Why Is My Cat Peeing Blood – [4 Easy Precautions]

why is my cat peeing blood

Hematuria means blood in the urine. It’s a pretty common condition in cats but is not normal and needs treatment at the earliest time. You may notice blood spots or pink color all of a sudden in your cat’s pee which indicates an underlying disease or infection. Therefore, getting a vet’s appointment should be the first thing you do whenever you experience such a condition.

Keeping all this in our mind, we shall discuss all the common causes behind cat peeing blood. We shall also discuss the treatments you may opt for for quick recovery of your cat. So, continue reading to learn all about hematuria in cats and when it’s emergency to rush to the vet.

Why is my cat peeing blood?

Let’s walk through some of the most common reasons behind cat peeing blood. They include both medical and environmental factors that cause such a condition.

1. Stress

Just like humans, your cat may be stressed up too. Sudden stress due to environmental disturbance may result in blood in your cat’s urine due to some underlying disease. There are many reasons your cat may get stressed up, including a new pet at home, shift to a new home, unknown individuals at home, construction work at home, allergy to some new stuff, and lots more.

Therefore, it’s pretty essential to rule out the mental stress of your cat. If that’s the cause, the first thing you need to do is comfort your cat to the fullest. Take it for a walk or play with your cat to cheer it up. Also, the most thing is to eradicate the source of stress from the surrounding.

2. Urinary tract infection

One of the most common causes behind cat peeing blood is Urinary tract infection. Such infection happens when your cat’s immune system becomes compromised, and they come in contact with bacterias. Such a condition results in the buildup of bacterias in the bladder, thus contaminating it.

UTIs may also occur in female cats after a sudden bout of diarrhea or when you change your cat’s food all of a sudden. Treating UTIs is pretty essential as it may progress to severe medical conditions.

3. Urinary bladder stones

Another cause behind cat peeing blood may be urinary stones or crystals in your cat’s bladder. These stones may occur due to many reasons but most importantly, bladder infection, cat’s diet, and change in the urinary PH of your cat.

Bladder stones are a pretty painful condition. The stones or crystals scratch the mucosal lining, thus producing inflammation, irritating it, and producing blood. They may also block the urethral passage causing even more pain. Therefore, treating such a condition at the earliest time is essential.

So, whenever you notice blood tingling in your cat’s urine along with pain and irritation in their behavior, get an appointment as soon as possible for quick relief and treatment.

4. Bladder tumor

Blood in the urine is one of the initial signs of bladder tumors. However, just like other tumors, bladder tumor is a severe and concerning condition.

These bladder tumors happen because of the complication caused by bladder stones due to the severe irritation caused by stones while rolling about.

You may feel lethargic, weak, panicky in your cat if it has a mass in its bladder.

5. Anatomical abnormalities

Anatomical abnormalities are a pretty rare condition, but they may cause cat peeing blood in young cats. Imaging and early treatment may help control such a condition and prevent progression of it.

What to do when your cat is peeing blood?

Below are few steps you may follow you control and treat your cat peeing blood. All these remedies and treatments may prevent the progression of the underlying condition and help your cat recover in no time.

1. Take a vet’s appointment

As mentioned earlier, there may be an underlying medical condition behind your cat showing blood in the urine. Therefore, if you think it isn’t any environmental disturbance causing such a condition, showing up to the vet is the first thing you should do.

Your vet may run several tests to rule out all the possible causes and treat accordingly. So, don’t worry, as blood in urine is pretty common, and it’s treatable as well.

2. Follow the veterinary diet

Urinary tract diseases are the leading cause behind cat peeing blood. Therefore, your vet may ask you to follow a special diet restricting particular food material to help your cat recover at the earliest time. Thus, follow it by preventing feline urinary tract disease progression and relapses of such a condition.

Proper dietary restriction is pretty crucial, so do make sure your cat eats well as planned by your vet.

3. Increase water intake

Just like humans, increased water intake is necessary to help renal stones to pass out. Therefore, make sure your cat drinks enough water to pee out the stones at the earliest time possible. You may increase your water intake in canned food or by using big-size clear water bowls. Moreover, adding tuna juice to water may also help your cat in consuming more water.

4. Relief the stress of your cat

If you think environmental stress is causing blood tingling in your cat, then the first thing you need to do is relieve its stress. Calm your cat up and try to comfort it in the best way possible. Remove all the possible distracting and stressing hurdles from the surrounding. Try playing with your cat to cheer it up, or maybe take it out to a peaceful environment to have a good time with it.

How to prevent urinary conditions in cats

The best way to avoid severe urinary infections is to take care of your cat’s hygiene. For example, clean the litter box after every use. Also, prevent your cat from playing in mud or a place having dirt to avoid the contact of germs and bacterias.

Secondly, keep good care of your cat’s diet and hydration. Make sure it eats proper nutritious food and drink ample water. Additionally, prevent any environmental disturbances to prevent emotional stress in your cats. Stress may further progress urinary diseases to a great extent.

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Cat peeing blood is pretty common but very concerning at the same. This is because there may be underlying medical or environmental conditions provoking such a condition. The most common causes include a poor diet, urinary tract infections, renal stones, stress, and cancer. Therefore, it’s pretty essential to diagnose the cause and treat it at the earliest hour.

In this article, we have discussed the most common causes along with their treatment and preventions to help you have a clear idea of why your cat is peeing blood.

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